
Join Jake in his fight to live life with ALS to the absolute fullest.

Join Jake is a community fundraising effort organized by Jake’s family and friends. Funds raised will be used to cover the costs, both medical and otherwise, brought on by this debilitating disease.

Jake, Lou & Jackie

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

In December of 2020, Jake Thompson was diagnosed with ALS. Jake is a hilarious, thoughtful, creative, and incredibly special person. He is also a young entrepreneur, soon-to-be homeowner, and best friend to his loving fiancée, Jackie. In other words, Jake could not have asked for a more inconvenient time to be diagnosed with a terminal disease. That’s where we come in.

We are rallying together to raise over $500,000 to support Jake and Jackie (and Lou). Funds raised initially will be put towards uncovered medical costs, physical therapy, and ALS treatments.

But our goal isn’t just to make ends meet. We want Jake and Jackie’s lives to be as full and happy as possible. Plus, we promised Jake we wouldn’t make this overly depressing…so yes, Jake has serious and costly medical needs, but he also has a 900km trail to hike, an album to record, and a whole lot of cross-continental trips to take. Not to mention a wedding to plan and thousands of ice cream sandwiches to eat. This is Jake’s journey, but we aren’t going to let him go through it alone. Especially the ice cream sandwich eating part.

ALS effects everyone differently, meaning the timeline for Jake's ALS progression is, in many ways, uncertain. However, there are a few inescapable realities: For Jake and those closest to him, the road ahead will be incredibly challenging. It will also be expensive. While we can’t stop this disease from taking course, we can alleviate the financial burden of living with it. The purpose of this campaign is to raise money for Jake and Jackie in both the immediate and long-term future, so that they can focus on living their lives to the fullest.

Funds raised initially will be put towards uncovered medical costs, physical therapy, and ALS treatments. Down the road, Jake and Jackie will need a house and a vehicle that meet specific accessibility requirements. Our hope is that this campaign will help pay for these expenses while offsetting the loss of income that happens once Jake (and Jackie) are no longer able to work full-time. If this list of needs seems daunting, that’s because it is. As ALS progresses, the cost of fighting the disease increases.

How do I get this to the right of the above text.

How do I get this to the right of the above text.

Our Community

Lets remove this whole Left sided section, keep the other two (Events and Learn more)

Jake’s bio quickly turned into a short novel. This should come as no surprise to those closest to Jake, who know that in just 30 years he’s lived everywhere from Ohio to Alberta (and made friends in every place he’s called home).



Coming Soon: Stay tuned for more information about JJ fundraising events in both the U.S. and Canada.


Learn More

What is ALS? ALS is a rare disease that effects XXXXX. Knowledge is power– Our hope is that learning more about ALS will inspire you to take action and join us in the fight to find a cure.